Barty Crusoe And His Man Friday is the story of a young boy named Barty for short, or Bartholomew Herbert Hubert Ellecompane, who after reading Robinson Crusoe, decides he wants to experience life on a desert island. He has a magical friend, the Good Wolf, who's able to make that happen for him.
What kind of adventures did Barty Have? I mean, it’s a desert island after all…? It can’t be THAT big can it? Did he meet anyone else on the island and exactly what did they do?
Well, you’ll have to download and read this book to find out just what Barty and the Good Wolf got up to!
10% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charity.
KEYWORDS/TAGS: Barty Crusoe and his Man Saturday, Herbert, Hubert, Ellecompane, Good Wolf, Robinson Crusoe, action, Adventure, desert island, Snow Feast, hands and knees, gaze, draw nearer, closer, pirates, row, rowboat, oars, shore, captain, sarcasm, sarcastic, Pirate Captain, hat, flourish, attack, won, win, magical wolf, coconuts, cocoanuts, drowsy, sleep, jet black, monkey, appetite, tropical storm, house, shelter, Chattery-chattery, chat-chat, monkey speak, white sparkling sand, Cave, leaf man, Blue Crest, blue parrot, cutlass, sword, curly black moustache, Daggers and blood, Perfectly Polite Pirates, Baboo Bajorum,