Bare Basic Facts : Personal Financial Education
Description:... This down to earth book contains straightforward practical information about money in the everyday world. A matter-of-fact guide to commonly used banking and financial terms with clear concise definitions, plain explanations and sensible advice about potential risks. Pictures, diagrams or symbols on every page make this easily accessible, not too heavy and compliment the simple style. Money - Bare Basic Facts is: Visually eye catching; Succinct with explanations and examples;. A concise reference source. Produced by Tarquin Publishers. Aimed at young people particularly those starting to be independent such as teenagers, young adults and adults unused to the western banking and financial system. Save the cost of the book quickly by understanding issues such as: Interest; Borrowing; Credit card bills; Bank charges; AER or APR; Direct Debit and Standing Orders; Debt - What to do and where to get advice.
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