Up and Running with AutoCAD 2015
2D and 3D Drawing and Modeling
Description:... Get "Up and Running" with AutoCAD using Gindis' combination of step-by-step instruction, examples, and insightful explanations. The emphasis from the beginning is on core concepts and practical application of AutoCAD in architecture, engineering, and design. Equally useful in instructor-led classroom training, self-study, or as a professional reference, the book is written with the user in mind by a long-time AutoCAD professional and instructor based on what works in the industry and the classroom. - All basic commands are documented step-by-step: what the student inputs and how AutoCAD responds is spelled out in discrete and clear steps with numerous screen shots - Extensive supporting graphics and a summary with a self-test section and topic specific drawing exercises are included at the end of each chapter - Fully covers the essentials of both 2D and 3D in one easy-to-read volume New to this Edition: - More end-of-chapter exercises from both architecture and engineering disciplines provide practice in applying newly acquired AutoCAD skills - All discussions and screen shots updated for the current release of AutoCAD - An expanded appendix that discusses the future of AutoCAD, computer aided design and other topics - A companion website containing video lectures for each chapter for additional instruction and to make the material easy to follow. Visit www.vtcdesign.com
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