The Bible Never Lies / La Biblia Nunca Miente
Description:... For too many centuries, the Catholic Church has been teaching lies to the innocent people who apparently are unable to think clearly for themselves. Catholic clergymen pretend to be "representatives of God," with power to forgive the sins of other human beings, and also to transform the host, and the wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ, in order for the faithful to eat and drink it as cannibals. They also pretend that their mass is a repetition of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, when Jesus died and resurrected almost two thousand years ago. They are also teaching several other lies, wanting people to accept the great number of "saints" and "virgins," who really are just dead people. God the Father forbids us to communicate with dead persons, without exception. The most important lies are refuted in this book, not by the author, but by the Bible and the Gospels, because The Bible never lies.
Durante muchos siglos, la Iglesia Catolica ha ensenado mentiras a personas inocentes, incapaces de pensar por si mismas. Los clerigos catolicos pretenden ser "representantes de Dios," con poder para perdonar pecados a otros, asi como para transformar la hostia y el vino en el cuerpo y la sangre de Jesucristo, para que los fieles los devoren como canibales. Pretenden que su misa es una repeticion del sacrificio del Senor en la cruz, cuando Jesus murio y resucito hace casi dos mil anos. Tambien ensenan varias otras mentiras, esperando que todos acepten la gran cantidad de "santos" y "virgenes," que en realidad son personas muertas. Dios Padre nos prohibe comunicarnos con los muertos, sin excepciones. En este libro se refutan las mentiras mas importantes. No lo hace el autor mismo, sino la Biblia y los Evangelios porque La Biblia nunca miente.
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