How to Invest in Life's Five Capitals the Way Jesus Did
Description:... Oikos is an old word that means "household." It referred to a specific network of relationships that functioned as an extended family with a specific purpose. It would have included biological relatives as well as friends, servants, and business associates. Everyone lived within an oikos in the ancient world. We are re-learning how to live like this, with Jesus in the center. This is how the ancient world was transformed--the good news of Jesus multiplying from oikos to oikos, along the lines of relationship as the gospel was shared in the everyday tasks of life. And of course "nomics" refers to economics, which has to do with how we invest, exchange, and grow the various kinds of capital that we possess. So Oikonomics is about the economy of our oikos, the way our household invests its time, energy, and money. As we seek to live as Families on Mission, the way we invest our time, energy, and money directly affects how effective and fruitful we become. It's a big discipleship issue, and Oikonomics looks at how Jesus did this with his Family on Mission and how we can imitate him in it
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