Celebrity Smackdown
A Very Rude Joke Book
Description:... A collection or rude and shocking jokes about celebrities, politicians and public figures. No target is spared when it comes to the celebrity smackdown. A great gift for anyone with a perverted sense of humour who likes sick jokes. Joke targets include: Gordon Brown, George Bush, Celine Dion, Hilary Clinton, The Pope, George Michael, Michael Jackson, Tom Cruise, Sarah Palin, Sean Connery, Kylie Minogue, Barack Obama, The Queen, Amy Winehouse, Princess Di, Britney Spears, Jordan, Prince Charles, Bill Gates, Dick Cheney, David Beckham, Wayne Rooney, Alex Ferguson, Spice Girls, Posh Spice, Madonna and many more. ***** Q: What do George Michael and Wellington Boots have in common? A: They both get sucked off in bogs. ***** Amy Winehouse's health is at risk due to her crack problem. Her doctors say that if she doesn't wash it soon, she'll get gangrene.
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