The writer defines his internal individuality in form
of his thoughts. He has used writing as a medium for this.
When we go through these quotes, we find the same. We
find there different characteristic like philosophy, tuffness,
love, hate, meeting, departing, softness, tonts and sometimes
caring sometimes Befikra, sometimes an imagination of a
house having no doors, windows, walls, ceiling and even
no land. What we may call this? Simply an over pressure of
thoughts coming very fast in his brain.
The writer tries to find out beautiful philosophy in
the events, he looks happening around him i.e moon's look
through smoke rings, and moon like looking persons. He
is well impressed and motivated with current political and
social affairs.
Sometimes it reflects in these quotes that the writer is
in a confused stage while writing his thoughts on paper and
he is not satisfied from his achievements. He wants more and
more broad space with sharpness in his art of expressing.
Due to these multi dimentional writing and way
of defining himself, sometimes the readers may asses him
to be rude, a devil like person but if we analyse and try to
understand his inner we will find hat he is VINAMR too.