Universal Reconciliation
A Brief Selection of Pertinent Quotations
Description:... The Christian theological scholar presents a collection of essential writings both for and against the controversial doctrine of universal reconciliation.
As an expert on the theological writings of George MacDonald, Michael Phillips is often asked to clarify the Victorian author’s views on the afterlife. Since MacDonald himself never presented a doctrinal position on the subject, debate has raged for more than a century about whether he believed in eternal punishment or universal reconciliation. Rather than take a side on the issue, Phillips offers this broad selection of readings on the subject in order to help readers to make up their own minds.
Universal Reconciliation is a comprehensive primer on the debate surrounding this controversial doctrine, including excerpts by MacDonald as well as A.R. Symonds, Andrew Jukes, Hannah Hurnard, and others. A thorough list of Scriptures is also included, giving scriptural evidence both for and against universalism.
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