The Big Secret
The Whole and Honest Truth about Santa Claus
Description:... Multiple award winning, great professional reviews. A coming of age book for parents to share with their children addressing the inevitable question "Is Santa real?" 52 Illustrated pages present the book as an initiation into a secret society of those that know the truth. Winner of the Reader's Favorite International Book Awards Gold Medal for Best Parenting Book of the Year (Non-fiction: Parenting). The Big Secret, The Whole and Honest Truth About Santa Claus is a blessing to parents struggling to answer children's questions about the reality of Santa Claus. With additional honors from Mom's Choice Awards and appearing on the cover of Publisher's Weekly, The Big Secret: The Whole and Honest Truth About Santa Claus "tells all" but allows your child to control when he or she is ready to get the information. By choosing to read the entire book, he or she is bound by a pledge toThe Big Kids' Club and all is revealed in a wonderfully positive way. This non-religious explanation is intended as a parental aid and is respectful of both religious and secular beliefs. It does not delve into any religious explanations of the Christmas season. With each page fantastically illustrated and the message kindly and directly told, this heirloom book leaves everyone looking forward to the next time The Big Secret, The Whole and Honest Truth About Santa Claus is pulled off the shelf to add a new sibling to the Big Kids' Club! It's an irresistible classic no parent should be without!
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