Sticking to the Prophetic Sunnah and Its Effects
Description:... The effects of sticking to the Sunnah" is the subject matter of this lecture.The Sunnah and the Qur ān are interdependent; the Sunnah is considered anauthority over the human being and therefore they are as obliged to complywith it as they are with the Quran.Definition of the Sunnah: it is the established sayings, practices/actions andtacit approvals of the Prophet (Peace be upon him); it is obligatory to practiceit as the Qur ān. However, using the Qur'ān to prove something requiresconsidering one aspects while using the Sunnah requires considering oneaspect.Concerning the Qur ān; There should be a match between the implication ofthe text used for proof and the ruling for which such text is used to prove. And there is no doubt that scholars on this regard due to the relativedifference in their respective knowledge and understanding skills.Scholars have different opinions about the signification of the Noble Qur āndepending on their knowledge, understanding, how strong their belief inAllāh is and as for glorification of His sacred things.
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