60 Christian Traits
Description:... A house with a poor foundation is destined for ruin. So are people with a poor understanding of what is good and right...Let us work on building strong families, built on a strong foundation of good and true moral values. In a world where what is normal seems defined by what we see on television or hear on the radio, it can be difficult to develop and nurture a true moral compass for ourselves as well as for our children. But if all we put in is negative, how can we expect positive results in our lives, community, and nation? In Sixty Christian Traits, author Tracy Taylor explores and expands upon sixty biblical virtues that act as building blocks for a life founded in Christ. Addressing important issues such as compassion, dependability, forgiveness, honesty, loyalty, patience, respect, tolerance, and wisdom, she provides a framework for a life of right living. For anyone who wants a life characterized by morality and goodness, Taylor breaks down essential core values-providing the associated definition, relevant memory verse, and a Bible story illustrating the theme-empowering you to avoid Satan's pitfalls by applying these Sixty Christian Traits.
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