Echoes of the Old Darkland
Themes from the African Eden
Description:... ECHOES OF THE OLD DARK LAND: THEMES FROM THE AFRICAN EDEN, is the new book by Charles S. Finch III, M.D. that examines the paleontological record, cultural anthropology, religious symbolism, & astronomical mythology to trace the origin & evolution of humanity & culture in Africa from prehistory to the Christian era. Humanity itself began in Africa, as did human culture, first organized into matriarchal social structures that conferred on the feminine/matristic principal an early pre-eminence in religion, law, & symbolism. The seemingly universal patriarchal life modes of the modern world actually evolved fairly late out of the primal matriarchy. Following discussions on the origin & evolution of prehistoric human culture, the author analyzes Biblical names & compares ancient Egyptian & Judeo-Christian texts to show that Judaism & Christianity are lineal descendants of the old Egyptian religion, itself a product of the incredibly ancient symbolic myths of prehistoric Africa. Thus, Yahweh & Christ appear to derive from early African divinities; long-standing traditions make Moses an Egyptian priest & the historical Jesus an initiate of the Egyptian Therapeutae (Essenes). The underlying message of ECHOES OF THE OLD DARK LAND is that in recovering the early story of humanity, all roads lead to Africa. Thus, ECHOES will provoke controversy & new thought on subjects increasingly pertinent as the world prepares to grapple with the challenges of the next millenium.
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