Johnny Ludlow, Third Series
Description:... "[...] "You are wanted, if you please, madame, in the show-room," said a page in buttons, coming in to disturb the tea. "Wanted!-at this hour!" cried Madame Caron, as she glanced at the clock, and saw it was on the stroke of six. "Who is it?" "It's a lady and gentleman, madame. They look like travellers." "Go in and light the gas," said madame. "Passing through London and requiring things in a hurry," thought she, mentally running through a list of some of her most fashionable customers. She went in with a swimming curtsy-quite that of a Frenchwoman-and the parties, visitors and visited, gazed at each other in the gaslight. They saw a very stylish lady in rich black satin that stood on end, and lappets of point lace: she saw two homely country people, the one in[...]".
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