The Eternal High Priest of the Covenantal Oath
The Genealogy of High Priests in Light of God's Administration in the History of Redemption
Description:... The name of this series is God's Administration in the History of Redemption (Eph 1:9). God's administration in the history of redemption is His management of the entire history, including the promising of the Messiah, giving prophecies of every detail of His coming, His birth and ministry on earth, and the atoning work on the cross. God interceded in mankind's history through His providence in every period to make sure His will of salvation of fallen mankind through Jesus Christ is fulfilled. This series follows that history and traces back to see what God has done to bring us to salvation.The history in which God intervenes and eventually comes down to save His people is the history of redemption. Because He worked through people in their history, His works can be traced back through genealogies, which contain names, events, and years. Together, they form a history and become important evidence for the reality of God's work. The Bible actually provides all the evidence that its stories are not mere myths or legendary stories. The History of Redemption Series puts together the clues and evidence in the sequence of the redemptive historical flow, so the readers can see the drama and flow of God's work of salvation, which leads all the way to this current day. The genealogies of the godly seed continue in the book of Genesis through the fathers of faith who were able to overcome and set themselves apart from sins and greed in this world. The genealogies in Genesis lead to introduce Abraham, an essential figure in God's administration to bring salvation for the entire world. The work of redemption takes on a new phase through God's calling of Abraham and is fulfilled through the Messiah who comes as the son of Abraham. This magnificent story of godly lineage is what Moses refers to as the "days of old." They are the days that contain God's redeeming work which continues to fulfill His covenant in our lives today.
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