In The Breeze With Biker George
Short Daily Ride Devotionals
Description:... 🏍 Come ride in the breeze with Biker George as he shares his unique daily devotionals that will get your motor running! These witty words of humor & wisdom along with scripture on a daily basis is a great way to kick-start your day! It is my hope that these “short rides” will inspire many to ride with the Lord Jesus Christ every day. These are quick and short daily devotionals made especially for those who may not have the time for longer devotionals. Once you get started, you won't want to stop! The Biker George Daily Ride Devotionals are destined to be favorites among all Christian bikers!
🗣 Here's what people are saying...
• Biker George is the Voice of Reason that you want in a friend. He speaks truth in a world that doesn't. Having Biker George talking to you daily will keep you out of the ditch and on the road, especially at 200 miles an hour! Rich Vreeland - Professional Nitro Drag Bike Racer
• "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" and "How shall they hear without a preacher?" Enter Biker George! What a unique, simple, and relative way to reach people from all walks of life with the Word of God. Biker George faces the same challenges and questions we all face in our lives and serves as a way to encourage, strengthen, and correct us thru the application of the Word. By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Dano is fulfilling the great commission with this devotional. Great work my brother, I'm sure our Father is well pleased. Marty Dunkerly - Senior Pastor of Set Free Church Dawsonville, GA & International President of Heaven’s Saints Motorcycle Ministry
• When I met Dano many years ago I sensed his love, passion and a heart for souls. His enthusiasm for the Lord is truly inspiring. His Biker George Devotionals are for everyone from the white house to the crack house. They are also for those warriors of Christ riding through their journeys on the highways and by-ways of this passing life. These short devotionals will offer you an amazing ride through God's Word. Rey Perez - The Road Warrior & The Jesus Mailman
• Brother Dano has done it again! He’s found the perfect blend of what it is to be a biker and what it is to be a believer! With Biker George, Dano takes his readers for a daily ride down the Holy Highway (Isa 35:8). His unforgettable daily devotionals are perfect for all believers on scoots and even for "wannabe believers" too! Biker George's thoughts are deep, but they’re always easy to read too. Each devotional is a short message that gets right to the heart of the matter quickly. And as an old friend used to say to me, “That’ll preach!” Get ready to ride the Holy Highway with Biker George, Brother Dano and the rest of the crew! Blessings!" Bro Franko, Founding Pastor of Biker Bible Institute, Christian Biker TV, and Biker Church USA
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