Description:... ...Initially written and conceived around November 20, 2020, as the Revelation of Theological Knowledge, illustrating the world of pandemic Corona - 19, this mediological premonition developed after November 25, 2020, through the unexpected death of Father - Priest Pugna from Bârgăul of Bistritz ( Borgho Valley ), was challenged in a dialectic struggle between revelation and counter-revelation, in a bitter dispute between the valences of life and the silent empires of death, between the prayer that exalts and inspires and the indifference that annihilates and blames, between dogmatic knowledge and intuitive knowledge, transforming freedom of self and conscience, into a creative force of all sums and endures ...
...In this sense of the Wise Revelation, or SAPIENTIC DEIFICATION, does want a complementary to the dramatic events of November - December 2020, in which the Corona pandemic pathologically dominates the entire human species, the entire Sapientohuman, with serious and dramatic economic, financial, social and moral repercussions of the entire planet...
Deificator Sapiens
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