Description:... Huainan Zi, originally was called Honglie. It is mentioned in Yaolue, "This is Taizu of Honglie". It mostly focuses on Tao, and is called "Honglie", so argued Gao You, a scholar of the east Han period, in his Huinan Xunmu. Huainanzi, also known as Huainan or Huainannei, was written by Liu An, the king of Huainan, together with his guests. Huainanzi is erudite and profound. some people admired its profoundetiy and ascribed it tot Taoism; some recognised its erudition and ascribed it to the eclectics. In Huainan Xumu, Gao You argued, "By indicating not to seek fame and wealth, let things take their own course and remain empyu and still, Huainanzi is not beyond the scope of the scripture and Tao, and the main purpose of it is very much like that of Laozi. It mostly focuses on Tao and is called Honglie". Some modern scholars such as Liang Qichao and Hu Shi all took Gao's argument. Liang Qichao highly appreciated Huainanzi's value amongst Taoist documents, and said, "Being so broad and deep, Huainan Hongliee is the source of Taoism and remains the best work finished during the Han dynasty". Both the English and modern Chinese versions of this book are the latest complete editions.
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