This book is a revised version of the English book "Understanding Microcontrollers", which explains microcontrollers, as a textbook for students who are studying "computer architecture". Based on the "specialization" and "energy saving" society of computers, we explain the basics of computer architecture using relatively easy-to-understand devices "microcontrollers".
In the revised edition, the content of the actual class was reflected, and Chapter 12 "Communication by SPI" was greatly expanded, and Chapter 15 "Basic Compiler" was newly added to make the content easier to use.
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Preliminaries
Chapter 3. Instruction Set Architecture
Chapter 4. Memory Architecture
Chapter 5. Processor Architecture
Chapter 6. Addressing Modes
Chapter 7. Programming the MCU
Chapter 8. I/O Ports
Chapter 9. Interrupts
Chapter 10. Application: LCD Panel Control
Chapter 11. The Analog-to-Digital Converter3
Chapter 12. Communication Through the Serial Peripheral Interface
Chapter 13. Rational Numbers and the MCU
Chapter 14. Reverse Engineering
Chapter 15. A BasicCompiler
Chapter 16. Concluding Remarks
Appendix A. Character Codes
Appendix B. Logic Gates
Appendix C. Answers and Discussions
About the Author
本書は、「コンピュータアーキテクチャ」を履修する学生に向けた教科書として、マイクロコントローラを解説した英文書籍“Understanding Microcontrollers”の改訂版です。コンピュータの「特定化」や「省エネ」の社会を踏まえて、比較的わかりやすい機器「マイクロコントローラ」を用いてコンピュータアーキテクチャの基礎を解説しています。