MATLAB¨/Simulink¨ Essentials: MATLAB¨/Simulink¨ for Engineering Problem Solving and Numerical Analysis
Description:... "MATLAB/Simulink Essentials is an interactive approach based guide for students to learn how to employ essential and hands-on tools and functions of the MATLAB and Simulink packages to solve engineering and scientific computer problems, which are explained and demonstrated explicitly via examples, exercises and case studies. The main principle of the book is based on learnng by doing and mastering by practicing. It contains hundreds of solved problems with simulation models via M-files/scripts and Simulink models related to engineering and scientific computing issues. The audience of the book is not only limited to undergraduate students majoring in enginering and scientific computing areas but also postgraduate and research students, and practicing engineers in industry and independent learners. There are many hints and pitfalls indicating efficient usage of MATLAB/Simulink tools and functions, efficient programming methods, and pinpointing most common errors occurred in programming and using MATLAB's built-in tools and functions and Simulink modeling. Every chapter ends with relevant drill exercises for self-testing purposes." -- Back cover.
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