Super-Charged Freedom
Your Truth Will Set You Free: A Mindset Workbook for Breakthrough Thinking and Success Habits
Description:... Can you teach an old dog new tricks?How many years have you been searching for success and freedom in your own life, only to be frought with failure and disappointment?
Have you had that feeling that there was something missing, something that could unlock the invisible door to your new life?
This book may just hold that key.For the past few years, I've dramatically changed my own life, already become an award winning, best selling author and mindset coach, TEDx Talk speaker, helped hundreds of people turn their own dreams into reality, winning awards such as Emmys, Rookie of the Year, MVP, Hollywood Music in Media and many more... but importantly, it's knowing that I'm making a proper difference in the world... and it started with myself.
It starts with getting clear on your Goal and ends with finding your version of Freedom. We will cover off elements such as why we get stuck, procrastinate, and quit on our dreams and teach you how to change your habits and your stories, so you can run, jump and fly towards them.
I made this book easy to read and more importantly easy to implement.
Click 'BUY NOW' today and live your best life tomorrow!
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