Daddy Issues
Description:... Camisha Broussard's author debut, "Daddy Issues," offers a sometimes amusing, all-the-time hopeful, and eventual loving look at a dysfunctional parent-child relationship through the eyes of a fatherless daughter. Taking an atypical approach to the normal daughterless perspective, Camisha forces herself to reflect on the good things about her alcoholic father, humanizing him to the point of being more empathetic of the man he was, rather than remorseful of his shortcomings as the dad she wished him to be.
From troubled teen to college professor, wife, and mother of four, Camisha's approach to the average fatherless daughter relationship is anything but stereotypical and is a profoundly holistic look at real life with real people who have real problems.
From colorism to alcoholism, "Daddy Issues," promises readers a rollercoaster ride filled with every emotion imaginable reaching a final destination of forgiveness, hope, and finally love.
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