Terror on the Air!
Horror Radio in America, 1931-1952
Description:... The macabre world of monsters, killers on the loose and revenge frombeyond the grave existed not only in the movies, but also on the radiobefore television's dominance in American homes. One of manydistinct genres born of early broadcasting, horror radio thrilled millions.Creeping out of the speaker night after night came stories that chilledthe listening public - everything from creature features to sophisticatednoir suspense. So eager were Americans to be scared that nearly 80horror programs aired every week in the late 1940s. This first full-lengthstudy of golden age horror radio focuses on six representativeprograms, starting with The Witch's Tale in 1931 and ending withThe Mysterious Traveler in 1952. Each chapter provides the readerwith a critically and historically informed study of one series.
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