This is a short excerpt from this deeply disturbing novel:
“Here, in our dear Iaşi, death order was given. Here we started to die one by one.
I say it differently, but to protect sensitivity I use common terms, as we do when we want to cover something shameful. “They clear the land!” For two days “they clear the land” in Iaşi.
Do you know, kid, what that means? Does anyone know what this clearing means over years, how obsessively will it follow us, like a never ending nightmare?
Iaşi cries, my dear, Iaşi has been bleeding for two days. Our Iaşi smells of pain, panic, rotten people in the streets, death.
Houses are overturned, kids mourn murdered parents or parents scream in silence before criminal injustice. They’re all pushed in the streets, lined forcefully, and shot in deafening silence.
My dear Hanna, how can I tell you what’s going on here? What to start with? How to continue?
We’re locked in the house for two days of fear, and we get news from the hell out there. Only Mr. Popescu visits us and only because they had no courage yet to break our doors.
Our friend Isaac was taken from home at night and beaten with the gun grip. He was taken to the station and thrown into cattle train cars, where other people like him died like flies. After being beaten with military boots, he was trampled, stripped naked and left half-conscious on a mound of corpses in a dark swamp. Now, writing these lines, we keep him hidden in the basement and I have a fatidic feeling that Isaac will never be the proud man you’ve known. Isaac managed to flee, but the guy in the basement is no longer Isaac.
Many like him failed to flee, and more will be exterminated. After two days of horror, any Jewish family was beaten, denigrated, scorned or killed. We’re all on our knees. There is no hope anymore.
How do we get over this, Hanna? How can we ever wipe out the tragedy of these days?
I pray to God to help me understand, forgive, to be strong, but I keep thinking of the people lying in the street, over roses in front of the house.
I look, every hour to the corner of the street, where only the day before, children and parents, holding hands, were lying in strange positions, faces twisted in terror, as if belonging to other worlds, in oily blood puddles. Every hour, I wait for someone to come, because they forgot to pick up shoes scattered around and cloth dolls. They forgot to clean traces.
Further, towards Tei/Linden Trees area, there are still students with books out of their bags, lined up on stones, like slaughtered animals. Only the echo of their pain resounds between breathless walls.
Our neighbors, our friends, our brothers, all were taken away, taken from warm beds and driven away to long trains, with monstrous wagons, without windows, with no water and no oxygen.
The air darkened with so many cries in Iaşi, and so much blood going to heavens. It’s the beginning of the end for us all.
I’m crying without tears, in silence. Everything got frozen inside me, and I’m afraid that when I trip, I’ll break up in thousands of pieces like an icicle that strikes the ground.
But I’m writing to you, Hanna, I’m writing to you thinking the truth must be known, however tough and unfair it is. I’m writing to you because you still have a chance.
Hanna, now read carefully what I’m writing further, for another letter won’t come to you from us anymore. We all leave tonight. You’ll find a ticket to Palestine in the envelope (that’s all we could buy). That means only you can get rid of this hell. I know you’ll think of your mother, your sisters, but it’s too late now, for God closed his eyes not only on Iaşi, but on the whole country. There is no longer time for us, for the universe has no time and space anymore.
A ship leaves for Palestine almost every month; some settle there, others go further to America. Your ticket is for Struma, and hundreds of Jews will be in Constanţa Harbor in just a few months. Hide until then and wait for the unleashed storm to calm down. Romania joined the war.”
The Struma ship was torpedoed and almost 800 Romanian Jews—men, women, children—died not far from Istanbul.
Read this book... and weep to honor their memory. And to learn that we should fight for humanity in every way we can.