Fostering Skills in Cameroon
Inclusive Workforce Development, Competitiveness, and Growth
- Author(s): Shobhana Sosale,
- Publisher: World Bank Group
- Pages: 185
- ISBN_10: 1464807620
ISBN_13: 9781464807626
- Language: en
- Categories: Business & Economics / General , Business & Economics / Development / Business Development , Business & Economics / Human Resources & Personnel Management , Business & Economics / International / General , Business & Economics / Labor / General , Business & Economics / Training , Business & Economics / Development / Economic Development , Social Science / People with Disabilities , Social Science / Developing & Emerging Countries ,
Description:... Cameroon has strong goals for its growth and development. By 2035, it aims to be an emerging economy. The country's medium-term goals are focused on alleviating poverty, consolidating democracy, and achieving national unity--while respecting diversity. This report contributes substantively to the Government's vision on Strategy for Growth and Employment, putting human development and employment at center stage. Cameroon faces three main challenges: - Developing more robust formal and informal employment opportunities by strengthening human development. - Increasing productivity in agriculture, mining, and key value chains (timber, tourism, and information and communication technology). - Advancing growth by investing in infrastructure and improving the business climate and regional integration. The Strategy sets a target for reducing underemployment from 76 percent of the workforce to 50 by 2020 by creating tens of thousands of formal jobs. But based on results from the first two years of its implementation, the strategy is far from achieving that target. This report is meant to support Cameroon's efforts to build the skills of its workers. This report reaches conclusions and offers policy recommendations to answer six questions: - What has been the trajectory of Cameroon's economic growth? Which sectors have contributed to growth? - What jobs are being created? - What types of skills are being used in the sectors where the highest percentages of the population are employed? - What are the demand and supply barriers to skills? - Which policies and institutions are in play? Are they sufficient? - What needs to or could be reformed? Cameroon has good prospects for moving to middle-income status. It can create a more dynamic, responsive workforce. But a new strategy is required. It can be done.This report proposes new directions and provides recommendations. Outcomes are expected. Work has never been easy. But many have been working--and Cameroon can work.
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