Technical Concept
Operation HENRE
Description:... A small but intense source of 14 Mev neutrons is to be mounted in the hoisting mechanism of the 1500-ft BREN tower at the Nevada Test Site. The experimental program, designated Operation HENRE, will be conducted during the spring and summer of 1965 and will be sufficiently comprehensive to characterize the radiation fields. In addition, a series of applied shielding experiments will include configurations of interest to both military and civilian laboratories. It is important that data be accumulated which will assist in understanding the apparent uncertainties in existing transport calculations, especially data which will give approximate values for effective neutron cross sections for air-over-ground transport. The neutron source will be operated at heights from about 25 ft to 1500 ft above the air-ground interface. The average neutron yield during operational periods of about 4 hours is expected to be equal to or greater than 10 13 n/sec.
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