Mirage of Health
Utopias, Progress, and Biological Change
Description:... Every man dreams of a utopia in which disease is conquered and the only thing left to die of is old age. In a study of the history and concepts of medicine, René Dubos, who is one of America’s most distinguished scientists, shows that such a utopia is neither possible nor desirable. Organized species such as ants have established a satisfactory equilibrium with their environment and suffer no great waves of disease or changes in their social structure. But man is essentially dynamic, his way of life constantly in flux from century to century. He experiments with synthetic products and changes his diet; he builds cities that breed rats and infection; he builds automobiles and factories which pollute the air; and he constructs radioactive bombs. As life becomes more comfortable and technology more complicated, new factors introduce new dangers; the ingredients for utopia are the agents of new disease. Dr. Dubois’ thesis may sound discouraging to a world looking for a cure-all in medical research, but actually it is affirmative—even hopeful. Once we accept the fact that “complete freedom from disease and from struggle is almost incompatible with the process of living,” we will know that our aspirations cannot be satisfied with health and the easy life.
“The viewpoint expressed in Mirage of Health has now become a dominant one in our general culture and encompasses much of current concern with improving lifestyles related to health and promoting greater health consciousness among the public. In this sense, the discussion, although written twenty-five years ago, is perhaps more relevant today than it was then.”—DAVID MECHANIC, University Professor, René Dubos Professor of Behavioral Sciences, and Director of the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research, Rutgers University
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