Historical Archaeology of Plantations at Kings Bay, Camden County, Georgia
Description:... "Archaeologists have defined the Kings Bay Locality as the area between the Crooked River and the St. Marys River and east of Dark Entry Swamp, including the tidal marsh and estuaries west of Cumberland Island. Most of this area now lies within the Naval Submarine Base--Kings Bay. To assist in avoiding and minimizing damage to significant sites by Base construction, archaeologists from the University of Florida conducted a field survey of the Base, identifying and mapping prehistoric and historic sites. Four plantations were investigated, three of these are presented here, the Cherry Point Plantation, Harmony Hall Plantation, and Kings Bay Plantation. ... The historical archaeology of these plantations has provided a wealth of information about not only the planters and their families, but also about the slaves who made the plantations prosper."--Abstract, page iii.
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