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Rapidly Prototyping Interfaces with InDesign

"Rapidly Prototyping Interfaces with InDesign guides readers to learn to create a wide range of interfaces, from mobile to desktop. With InDesign, interface prototyping takes minutes instead of days. This book is code-free and entirely hands-on with InDesign tools. This book acts as a guide for how to prototype user interfaces with InDesign, using diagrams, illustrations, and screen shots. This illustrated book concerns the creation and prototyping of eBooks, eMagazines, websites, desktop apps and movile apps. InDesign is an important tool for rapid prototyping, as no coding is involved."--Provided by publisher. Read more...

Abstract: "Rapidly Prototyping Interfaces with InDesign guides readers to learn to create a wide range of interfaces, from mobile to desktop. With InDesign, interface prototyping takes minutes instead of days. This book is code-free and entirely hands-on with InDesign tools. This book acts as a guide for how to prototype user interfaces with InDesign, using diagrams, illustrations, and screen shots. This illustrated book concerns the creation and prototyping of eBooks, eMagazines, websites, desktop apps and movile apps. InDesign is an important tool for rapid prototyping, as no coding is involved."--Provided by publisher
دقت کنید این منابع به صورت رایگان داخل سایت موجود است و می توانید از صفحه دانلود رایگان کتاب های لاتین ( درخواست کتاب لاتین ) پس از جستجو، به صورت رایگان دانلود کنید.
  • 325
  • Cordova Chacon, Carla Viviana
  • 2018
  • First edition
  • CRC Press
  • English
  • 9781498799263,9780429462467,0429462468,1498799264
29,000 تومان

توجه: فایل درخواستی حداکثر 8 ساعت بعد ارسال خواهد شد.

ثبت درخواست و پرداخت
  • 101229
  • pdf
  • 52.2MB
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شماره کارت : 6104337650971516
شماره حساب : 8228146163
شناسه شبا (انتقال پایا) : IR410120020000008228146163
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