Across the globe, doctoral education is in the throes of change. Diversification, regulation and proliferation are just a few of the developments that pose major challenges for those supervising doctoral candidates.
The second edition of A Handbook for Doctoral Supervisors has been fully updated to assist doctoral supervisors in understanding and meeting these challenges. The book is split into six key parts:
- the changing contexts of doctoral supervision
- recruiting, selecting and working with doctoral candidates
- supporting the research project
- supporting non-traditional candidates in terms of academic and social backgrounds and modes of study
- supporting completion, submission and examination
- the evaluation and dissemination of practice.
The book builds on the success and practical knowledge of the first edition and has been re-written and extended to take into account the latest scholarship in doctoral supervision, address new contemporary themes and present updated examples and case studies. With a self-interrogatory style which enables supervisors to reflect upon and, where appropriate, consider how to enhance their practice, this book is an essential read for anyone involved in doctoral supervision.