Discusses the integrity of the billionaire and presidential candidate and argues that he has none.
The unthinkable has happened, and the Orange One is leader of the Free World.
A hard job is made harder by a steady stream of self-contradictions. Sad! But if Donald gets confused about just who he is, he could do worse than to pick up a copy of President Trump Unveiled for a handy reference to all things Trump.
Some patterns are consistent: there’s racist Trump, sexist Trump, bankrupt Trump, lying Trump, paranoid Trump, clueless Trump, conman Trump, bullying Trump, and more. Here, in one lovingly researched and slim volume, is Trump stripped bare: the truth behind the glitz. Guaranteed no “fake facts”, no “alternative truths”: just sickening reality!
John K. Wilson is the author of seven books, including Barack Obama: This Improbable Quest, Newt Gingrich: Capitol Crimes and Misdemeanors, Patriotic Correctness: Academic Freedom and Its Enemies, and The Most Dangerous Man in America: Rush Limbaugh’s Assault on Reason. He is the co-editor of AcademeBlog.org and the editor of Illinois Academe. He has a Ph.D. in education from Illinois State University, and is the co-organizer of the Chicago Book Expo and the Evanston Literary Festival.