Pick up best patterns and practices for building microservices with ASP.NET Core-the new, improved, cross-platform re-incarnation of ASP.NET. With this practical guide, you'll not only learn how to integrate many factors of cloud native application development into your own projects, you'll also learn to embrace "the way of the cloud", a set of disciplines for building cloud native software. Authors Kevin Hoffman and Chris Umbel emphasize test-first development and continuous delivery above all else for building services and applications. You'll learn how to use tools such as GitHub, Wercker, and Docker to continuously build, test, and deliver your application to local and cloud environments, including Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Once you've gotten your feet wet creating services that coexist in a microservices ecosystem, you'll learn how to take advantage of some Netflix OSS servers, including the configuration server, service registry, and circuit breakers.