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The book is in five parts; the timeline moves back and forth 20 years, using inter connected characters and storylines. Situational humour serves to lighten the mood and the characters range from the cynically evil, through the surprisingly likeable to the positively evangelical. The first part is based in an economically dystopian future, a fast-paced thriller that moves in a believable way between fact and fiction, the second part plunges the unsuspecting reader into the distressed mind of Stephanie White a political activist from the new Independent party and victim of the latest terror atrocity locked in a coma fighting a trivial persona her mother has imposed upon her through years of brainwashing, whilst the third has several characters, including Stephanie and Donald from the previous volumes, in a pub arguing various topics from various points of view; the reader being left to decide which is valid. Part four brings all the threads together and the final part is set 20 years in the past. Corpalism is the compendium edition comprising - 'Uprising', 'The reawakening of Stephanie White' and 'From Democracy to Dictatorship'. Uprising Set in a dystopian future all wealth is in the hands of the Corporations; owned and controlled by the secret elite, the 1%, and their political lackeys. The majority poor are being re-located to sink estates North of the M4 where they eke out a futile existence, saddled with crippling debts from birth, and tied into servitude. Terry's job is to effect these re-locations and he does the job without compunction. Unfortunately for Terry he is late for work once too often and is himself relocated, condemned to spend the rest of his days in a 'Boro sink. When he arrives, he is housed in a run down apartment and assigned to sanitation duties. Unwittingly he attracts the attention of the power structure within the estate and soon finds himself enmeshed in violent intrigue. But Terry is not all he seems. Why is he there and who does he really work for? Aftermath Extrapolated from a storyline in 'Corpalism' and 'Wise Eyed Open'. She was a rising star in the Independent movement; a group of revolutionary entrepreneurs, business men and women, professionals and everyday workers who came together to change the political landscape forever. They are Friday night regulars down the Dog and Duck but this night, the night before an horrific terrorist attack, will be their last together. She is trapped in a world of darkness, she hears but cannot see, she understands but cannot communicate, she feels each second of her life as it drags by but cannot end it. How will she survive and can anyone help her? From Democracy to Dictatorship A group of entrepreneurs, business men and women, professionals and everyday workers have come together under the leadership of Colin Carpenter to form the Independents, a political group with no party affiliation, no loyalty to the elites or their lobbyists. If individually elected, they would be free to vote on each bill as they saw fit. As a new force in British politics the Independents find themselves on a headlong collision course with the Establishment and Sir Phillip Blackmore, Head of British Intelligence. How far will the Independents be allowed to go before the elites fight back? Arun D. Ellis is the pseudonym for the writing partnership of Rob and Sue. They live in Hampshire with their numerous pets. The partnership began after several years of writing independently. They realised that their individual interests....Rob reads a lot of history and politics and Sue reads a lot of general fiction...could be combined. This decision has resulted in their current catalogue.
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شماره حساب : 8228146163
شناسه شبا (انتقال پایا) : IR410120020000008228146163
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